Saturday, August 30, 2008

Nail Biter

Dear Utah Football Team -

Must every game feel like we're reliving the scene from Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom, when the guy gets his heart ripped out and it still beats? I don't understand. My heart feels like its been ripped out, but its still beating, barely. Louie Sakoda, you are my new Indiana Jones.

However painful this last game against Michigan may have been, thank you for winning, despite all the turn overs and penalties. For that I can forgive you. You've truly made Boo's weekend. His exact words to me were, "If they don't win, my whole weekend will be ruined." A thousand times thank you for not ruining his weekend, and mine.

We wish you all the luck in this 2008 season.

Kind regards,
Ute Fans


Luvers said...

I was glad my husband's weekend wasn't ruined as well. He's not particularly a UTE's fan but he was definately cheering for them instead of Michigan.

Lisa said...

Yeah, what's with just giving up in the end. You're lucky they couldn't rally more then they already did! Gosh, come on!

Daniel said...

Ugh...Andy Ludwig needs to learn how to finish to win instead of finish NOT to lose...cause that was some of the poorest 3rd and 4th Quarter play calling I have ever seen...topping only himself in past seasons of poor play calling.

Rachel said...

But it would help if the dumb #68 would stop getting called for lame penalties. Holding, personal foul, off sides. That's a lot of yardarge right there.

Nicole said...

Congratulations on the big win over Michigan! We thought of you guys. :)