Friday, August 01, 2008

Family Reunion

Sometimes I think that family reunions are the only time you have to accept extended family members who during the rest of the year you are convinced are over the top bizarre. Then you spend the weekend with them, love them for their craziness, which only reconfirms what you you were thinking before.

Thank goodness for the other in-laws who are willing to play the games and be wacky with the rest of the family. I love them all for that.

I also love that the kids who were "little" at the last family reunion have finally grown up enough that they want to be in charge of watching Noelle. Only once have I found her wandering the in the woods between Grammy's and The Neighbor's. And a nice neighbor he is.


Lynsee said...

When are you coming back? Just wanted to let you know we miss you here in Arizona. When I was gone for 3 weeks I felt like everybody forgot about me, so I want you to know we haven't.

birdie said...

Oh yes - good times at the fam reunions. It's only when you're 90 years old and 6 months old that others allow you to be that eccentric.

Nay said...

Sounds like you had fun. Mark your calendar for first weekend in August for LeFevres' next year!

talonandanna said...

where IS MY rach? it's been two (+) weeks and i'm jonesin' for a fix. :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) hope things are going spiff.