Saturday, August 30, 2008

Finally Met the Neighbors

We've been living in Arizona for nearly eight months now and have finally met our neighbors to the east (no one lives in the house to the west and we did know them before moving out.) They must have heard us tonight as we were trying to get control over the plants in our yard that looked like the Audry II, and came out to make small talk. Nice people, Sarah and John.
Other than the few people we know from church they are the first neighbors we've officially met. You know its one thing when you move into a subdivision that has an HOA. Its another thing when you live next door to the president of the HOA, like we do. We went outside tonight to do some "yard work." Our yard consists of rocks and some desert plants and a few ficus trees. I don't know much of anything about desert landscaping, but according to the HOA all my trees need trimming and I have too many weeds. The truth is, you can't really see the weeds unless you walk by my house and we had to trim our trees with the saw blade on the leatherman because that's about the extent of our yard tools. Thanks to Sarah for clarifying the exact height I'm supposed to trim the oleander bush, I'll get right on that after I buy up stock in Home Depot (NYSE: HD).
According to John (our neighbor, who also works at HD) we can get a trimmer for about $20. I guess all add it to my wish list right next to my hand sander.
After chatting with the neighbors for a while its apparent to me that she watches everything that happens are our house, since she rattled off a few things she'd noticed. Good thing my mailbox isn't attached to our house, otherwise she might take on the role of Koo-koo Bananas from Davis Road. Heaven help us all.


Rob & Megg said...

Sounds like your neighbors need a life...not that you guys aren't fun to spy on but SERIOUSLY, that's a little creepy! Good luck.

Anonymous said...

just think, you could be Jen T and have her crazy daisy as a neighbor!!!

Rachel said...

I hate to say it, but I think that Sarah could give Mrs. Kravitz a run for her money.

Daniel said...

LOL @ Koo-Koo Bananas...tell boo not to make advances on this neighbor like he did on the last so you don't have another run in.

Bar M U said...

So HOA ladies like that really do exist? Oh boy! Maybe I can get a neighbor of mine to haul down one ot their "spare" trailer houses and park it right on her front lawn. That might make things interesting!

Rachel said...

It would be funny, if we had lawns. LOL

talonandanna said...

when's your lease up? LOL. good grief, we all know it's a par-tay at the alb's all the time, so it's no wonder, do ya blame her?! :)

Boo said...

Its funny that of all the subtle things Ms. HOA commented on concerning our daily lives, she didn't say squat about my nude sunbathing.

birdie said...

That is a little creepy. However, when E was tiny and I was still nursing, I became our neighborhood Mrs. Kravitz - feeding E and inspecting all the events of our neighborhood.

Rachel said...

I was the Mrs. Kravitz of the neighborhood on 2nd Ave and 'R' Street. I thought for sure some of our neighbors were dead in their apartments, but really they were just out of town for a very extended period of time. There is much more to that, but really all neighborhoods have them, its just that i have her right next door and in Arizona that means I could climb out of my window right into hers, we live that close.

Gold-E said...

I don't know what's worse - Koo Koo B who was such a blatantly obvious stalker or Mrs. HOA who is quietly watching Boo's nakedness from a hole in the cinderblock wall. That is creepy.

Jamie Broderick Photography said...

I was feeling bad about myself after you said you got to know your neighbors, since I have no idea who anybody is around here. But I think I will stick my little group of playdate mom's and stay under the radar.