Thursday, August 21, 2008

Home Again, Home Again

Its been a six week whirlwind of trips and we're finally back to Arizona and trying to establish some sort of routine again. So far, Noelle wants nothing to do with her bed and is becoming increasingly attached to Daddy Boo. I'm perfectly content with that given that the last two weeks have been the two of us traveling together to see our good friends in Massachusetts. She became very aware of my presence (or absence) and would begin to panic. Luckily Papa Dave speaks baby/ toddler and could help her understand better. It sounds more like Yoda speak to me, but it works for her.

Here is my attempt at a picture timeline of events since the end of July:

What would a trip to Massachusetts be with out going to a pick-your-own farm? We picked wild flowers that were amazingly beautiful.

We finally made it to Great Grammy & Great Papa's house in Maine!

When in Rome? I was tasked at digging a pit for a family fun day activity, wellies and clam diggers fit the bill.

This is what 58 years of wedded bliss looks like.

Noelle hanging out with the Riff Raff during family fun day activities.

"Bucket Blast" - This was my game face, isn't it fierce?

We had a pinata which was filled with gum, which gave good cause to a bubble blowing contest. Seven pieces later I was deemed the winner.

Albertsen family heat of the sack races. It was nice to have family to help represent this year.

The Riff Raff

The Triple Threat

Three of the five great grandchildren all within three months of each other jumping on the small bridge at Great Grammy's house.

All of the Mitchell Family in Maine

Boo and our nephew Jacob

Madelyn and Noelle watching the crashing waves at the clam shack near Two Lights State Park in Maine

Grammy and Papa Albertsen with the three older grand kids at

Fort Preble in South Portland, Maine

Spring Point Lighthouse and break water at Fort Preble - a favorite place to go in Maine.


Bea is doing her best modeling at Good Harbor beach in Gloucester, MA. Noelle has missed her and was so happy to finally see her friend. They played a lot, but Noelle figured out early on how to get Bea all wound up.

Rach & Bea playing at Good Harbor beach

Bea and Noelle in their pretty-pretty make-up. I may have helped with the blue eye shadow, but the pink gloss on Bea was all original toddler.

Noelle's first camping experience at Nickerson State Park in Brewster, MA.

Nickerson SP has a great bike trail system. We rode bikes as much as possible. Noelle loved it so much that she would fall asleep in the bike seat. She also loved her princess adorned helmet.

This was at Paines Creek in Brewster, MA on Cape Cod. It was a great place for the kids to play as the tide was going out.

We had a fantastic trip. It went by incredibly fast and we were sad to have to come back to the heat of Arizona. I'm going to start saving up SkyMiles for our next trip out, hopefully it will be sooner than later.


Nay said...

Looks like you had a funtastic trip and Noelle grew a foot, I swear!

Stephanie said...

Welcome back. We hope you brought the cool back with you.

Gold-E said...

I love the last picture posted here. The colors are like a painting - so perfect.

Elizabeth R said...

Yay a blog post! Love the pictures.. I swear Noelle really did get so much bigger since you left here! Cant wait for more good times in Mexico!

Daniel said...

Welcome home...2 weeks and you get yet ANOTHER vacation

TomKat said...

She already looks bigger than when you guys left. I think I should come down for fall break or something.