So I've been going through some pictures and scanning ones that are relevant to the upcoming high school reunion, aforementioned. And I came across this picture and thought I would post it on our blog. We have this hanging in our house and as I was getting ready to put it on the wall a friend of ours was over and asked if I was hanging some pictures of Noelle. Clearly after looking at it she realized it was not in fact Noelle, but indeed I told her it was Boo. Wasn't he cute?
They do look a lot alike. This picture was taken by Uncle Len.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Does this resemble anyone we know?
Posted by Rachel 0 comments
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Walden Pond, Book Group and Reunion Anxiety
This seems so silly that I'm even posting anything about this on my blog. All these events can be seen as somewhat trivial at best, but what's a blog for? So today we spent the better part of the day at Walden Pond. Yep the same Walden Pond that Thoreau wrote about. Its a great spot to go on a hot day like today, more like sweltering actually. But I imagine that Thoreau probably didn't think of Walden with beaches and tons of kids hanging out enjoying it too, then again maybe. But its cheaper than going to the pool and it really makes you feel like you're in a more remote spot than you really are. Its only about a fifteen minute drive from our house. Needless to say it was "lovely," and Noelle got a kick out it too and we came home sunburn free to boot.
Also, tonight was the last book group of the season and I so blindly offered to be the leader of the discussion. I had great intentions when they started in the fall, but hells bells the last time I read a book in less than who knows how long was before I had a baby and took public transportation to work an hour in each direction. When that is the case you can get a lot of reading done. The book we read was Julie & Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously (or something like that it has two different names) Its not for the faint of heart as far as language is concerned especially a church book group - uh hello. Anyhow, I have spent the last two days making sure I have the book read so I can actually ask real questions and if I have to carry the discussion I could. It all worked out fine and I'm still alive to tell about it. Duh. Anyway if anyone wants to borrow it let me know.
Last but not least, I'm getting ready to head to Utah for my 10 year high school reunion and as of late I have serious anxiety over it. Its so dumb really, but seriously I'm a little apprehensive being that Boo will not be with me, so what if I'm left talking to myself in a corner? That won't be the case because I'm hardly at a lack of words and could talk anyone into a coma. But really I'm a little scared. Does anyone want to come with me in place of Boo? Let me know so I can pass it by him first. Just kidding actually, but I'll let you know how it goes.
Posted by Rachel 0 comments
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Garden Update
So I was scrolling through some of the old pictures on our blog and found the picture of me working in the garden. (I haven't taken any recent pictures, but will add them when I have a chance.) WOW! That is all I can say when I look back from a few weeks ago. Wow how my plants have grown, wow, my how MiracleGro works, Wow, I have actually managed to not kill any of the plants off yet, Wow I actually have blossoms on almost every plant even some green tomatoes. I am just amazed.
However at nearly the same rate Noelle is growing, saying more "words" and shuffles her feet a little less and wants to run a little more. She's found great accomplishment in climbing the stairs, climbing on top of the LittleTikes table and even can entertain a crowd of strangers with her banter and the Itsy Bitsy Spider. She gets so excited to see her friends and finds simple joy in flipping through the dictionary. How did we get to be so lucky? Not only is she smart, but she's cute and funny - everything I'd want in a girl. I hope she always can find humor in her life like her dad. What a sweet baby. I'll miss the Itsy Bitsy Spider.
Posted by Rachel 0 comments
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
First Beach Visit of the Year
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Father's Day 2007
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Monday, June 11, 2007
We've Been Busy - and Handy
So for the benefit of all the people who have heard me talk about "my bench" here's a picture of it. For those who actually look at our blog and don't know the story I'll do my best to make it short and interesting.
For Mother's Day I received a drill set, partially because I needed an excuse to make the bench an actuality rather than a dream. So two weeks ago while we were in Maine visiting with our family I explained to our Papa that I would like to use his saw to cut the coffee table in half and to make my bench. After much amusement to the fact that girls "shouldn't use power tools" and a little help from Uncle Scott, I had my old coffee table/ new bench ready to take home and upholster. I think I did a fine job. I even matched my plaids. Its served us well so far as an extra place to sit and also as an ottoman. Thanks Scott. (So much for short) :)'
Posted by Rachel 0 comments
Enjoying our Backyard
So for the first time pretty much since we've been married, which is now eight years, we have finally found a place to live with a backyard we can actually enjoy. This is largely in part to the fact that we don't have wacky neighbors that watch our every move. We also have the luxury of using the swing set that is there for the relative neighbor who is the only other kid on the block. Anyhow, as you can see we use the swing set and have been given some space in the garden. Apparently I can't find a rake that isn't fit for a five year old. But I am an amateur.
This is my first real garden. I've been dreaming about it for a while now. (Thanks to my good friend Jenny C. who has always had lovely gardens and I've probed over time for tips.) I love it! Ryan's mom was in town recently and she was kind enough to help weed the space and turn the soil, as well as helped me get many of the large rocks, pieces of cement and fragments of asphalt out of the way so we could get the tomato cages deep enough. In short it was really hard work and I'm so grateful for her help. In all we planted six tomato plants, two bell peppers, a ton of beans (see the poles), cucumbers, and three different kinds of squash. I can't wait for the harvest!
Posted by Rachel 0 comments
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
She has mastered the zipper
Posted by Rachel 3 comments
Trying out the new swing in Maine
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