Monday, April 27, 2009

Self Portrait

Noelle is a great artist. She especially likes to draw pictures of people. After a very long day of waking early, running errands, no nap, and eating lots of stuff she drew this self portrait.

She was really sad about five minutes before because I had told her that she needed to go to bed, but she wanted to watch the "dancing show" also known as Dancing With the Stars. So I put her little weepy self on my bed and she told me that her feelings were really hurting. So this is what she says she looks like when she's sad. I'm not sure where her mouth is, but usually she does draw a mouth, but the tears are a new addition to her art. Very funny and expressive for a three year old.


Gold-E said...

That is so funny! I love how her arms and legs are also coming out her head. Wait, my arms and legs come out of my head too! Too cute!

Heidi said...

That is amazing. Good girl!

EmilyCC said...

Oh my! That is talent!

talonandanna said...

this is so great! and very advanced. love it.

Louise Plummer said...

Well, I wouldn't sign her up for art school quite yet, but the tears are really a nice detail Who needs a sad mouth when tears tell the whole story.

Nancy said...

In a couple of years you are going to have to look for an art class for her to see where this expression goes. I enrolled Bear in one when she was 6-7 and she loved it as much as dance class.