Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Reprieve from the Heat

It seems as though there comes a time in a girls life when she just needs to get some sort of break from the Arizona heat. Yes, today was record breaking heat for Arizona. My mother-in-law who has lived in Arizona before called me in a panic and explained that it doesn't usually get this hot, this fast. But it just our luck, because when I moved to Boston and started commuting downtown for work it was the beginning of February and it was record breaking lows.

Thank goodness for pools. Noelle has become overly brave with her water wings and really liked wearing the goggles.

She also didn't mind eating wheat thins from a bag full of pool water. I guess that's the problem when you're one portion hobo and the other feral?

(video to come after I do some editing!)


Daniel said...

Feral..HA! You guys are going to need a Boo sized pool if this heat keeps up. That middle picture is my new walpaper.

Gold-E said...

She is such a goof. I wonder where she gets it? Funny. Hey, did you know it's hot in Arizona, sissy?

TomKat said...

I love this! That middle picture definitely made my day!

Lisa said...

Ok, that picture! Holy cow I laughed so hard! She is so cute! I don't know how I feel about eating the crackers out of pool water! Gross!

Adrianne said...

oh my goodness! the pictures are darling and the heat sounds unbearable!

Rob & Megg said...

Nothing better than soggy wheat thins on a hot summer day. I hope it cools down for you soon.

talonandanna said...

love the goggles!