Saturday, July 30, 2011

Great News!

Great things have been happening around these parts. Depending on who you ask (Noelle) both are of equally great importance.

First and foremost, we'd like to introduce you to Nicholas. He was born into our craziness on July 8th. He was very kind to his mother and came out with a nice small head and no hesitations. If only all births could be that easy. Drug free was much easier than I thought it was going to be. I'm definitely making myself a mother's merit badge for that.

Nicholas is 12 days old in these pictures. He's a pretty easy going little "brother-man." I did my best not to capture too much of the craziness that was going on behind the camera. It was insanity in a nutshell if you can't tell from his expression.

When he wrinkles up his forehead (more than what is happening in this picture) he has a wicked good widows peak of a hairline. That would be from the Albertsen genes.

The second major event is that Noelle lost her first tooth! Hooray, one less to brush.

She's been anticipating this event for quite a while and when it was time to actually pull on it she was too scared. Eventually she gave it a flick and out it came. The tooth fairy brought her a one dollar "ticket" which she can't wait to spend. I'm not sure when she'll stop calling them tickets and realize its real money, but I have no plans on spoiling her innocence in that regard.

Currently, Noelle is sporting an almost equal gap on the top and bottom.

Next up on our exciting life, First Day of Kindergarten. Stay tuned.


EmilyCC said...

Drug-free? You're awesome!! And, I'm so impressed that you took these photos!

Nicole said...

Congratulations! He is adorable and Noelle is turning into a knock-out. Keep her away from those little boys for sure. :)

Gold-E said...

I can't wait to meet the "brother-man" and GO NOELLE! on flicking that toothe! Squeezes from Auntie :)

Louise Plummer said...

Welcome to the drug-free club. Makes you feel like an Amazon, doesn't it? Very heady.

Nicholas is beautiful. Your announcement was adorable. And I envy Noelle's being able to move her tongue into that gap.

lulu said...

Loved reading your blog. It's happy!

Jean Pratt said...

Great, great job Rachel, loved the announcement, thanks for sending...What a prize you have. Jean