Sunday, June 28, 2009

Noellle counts Sissy's fingers


Anonymous said...

awwww!! So glad you finally got that cute little thing out of you!! She is a doll. Congratulations!

Gold-E said...

What a lucky big sister to have such a sweet baby sister and to get to hold her all the time. I am jealous (about holding her I mean, not the sweet baby sister part :D).


lulu said...

That is cute!

Katherine said...

Hooray that you finally got to go in for your induction and even more hooray for a safe delivery. Congrats! She is really, really cute.

Adrianne said...

Congratulations! Glad that she is safely here!

I had to laugh about you waiting to get in for an induction. When we tell people that we can't get them in right now- they cry and tell us that they had an appointment! (like that is some how going to make a bed appear) haha! Glad you finally got there!

Lisa said...

So cute! Congratulations! She is beautiful! I love her name!

Louise Plummer said...

What a beautiful baby. I loved the video. Congratulations you two.