Thursday, June 25, 2009


The act of anticipation only to be disappointed.

That is the highlight of our most recent days. Note to self, when they say induction and you don't have high blood pressure or any other medical problems, you get to wait until the hospital has a bed for you. Apparently everyone else is having babies and we're not. So 36 hours of twiddling our thumbs and we'll just keep our fingers crossed that the hospital calls.

I am going to try not to be to hostile once I get there.


Lisa said...

That sucks. Sorry girly.

Wanamakers said...

Wow, I really hope you get in soon. We can't wait to hear about baby sister, especially as we get ready for our own! Ick! I know I'd be going crazy!

Camille Bassett said...

I bet your in there right now as I write this. I cant wait to see pictures of her. !!!