Friday, June 19, 2009

Lunch Date with Noelle

Today Noelle and I ventured out for a not so fun and exciting eye appointment (you know, one of those last minute things you do before you have a baby?) I promised her that we could get a cookie afterwards at Paradise Bakery. Of course she had to go pee and making her hold it isn't as easy as we adults all think it should be. So yes after being so, so good (which she can also be so, so terrible) we headed over. Since it was lunch time I figured we might as well eat a sandwich while we at it and make a date of the day.
As usual the sandwich was good, we made it to the bathroom fine, cookies are always delightful, etc. Then all of a sudden I had that feeling, the one where you feel like you have tunnel vision (which I didn't really because the eye doc would have told me if I did) but that feeling when you look at your one and only child and think, this is not going to last much longer. Not even a week in our case. Then I thought this might be the last time we actually sit down and have a nice little lunch, eating cookies and not needing to talk, but just watch her be. She's big. She says funny things and she has a memory like Horton. I wish I could have preserved that moment. I was tempted to get the camera out of my purse and take her picture with sugar cookie all over her face. She was so content. Little does she know she's about to have her world rocked. I sure hope she loves her sister.


Lisa said...

She'll be okay. Just remember that even when little sissy comes, big sissy is going to need her mom and me time. That's the best advice I can give a mother. Find time for each child individually! Love you.

Nay said...

Charish that moment, honey. I'm glad you recognized how precious your time with her is. Love you.

Heather said...

Ah the GUILT we feel towards the first as we are about to kick them off their throne...sweet sweet Jelly Bean. Kiss that girl for me.