Friday, December 19, 2008

Kicking off the Christmas Season

A few weeks ago we went up to Prescott, AZ for the city's annual light festival and program. It was the first time since moving to Arizona that we've needed to pull out our winter coats. Noelle didn't even have a winter coat that fit and I made her wear the one I bought that is two sizes too big. The program was short and concise and as they read the story of the nativity they would turn on the lights in the park. It wasn't Temple Square, but it was a nice start to the Christmas season.

Since then we've made a couple of drives through our neighborhood to check out the lights on the houses. I guess since its warm here everyone puts up lights, except for us. When we get home Noelle informs us of her displeasure with our lack of lights.


Daniel said...

Get some deer your neighbors can put them in interesting positions like mine do

Andrew said...

Are you guys staying in Phoenix for Christmas? We should get together if you are. Call us at six O two, three 7 six, O two one Three. Actually, we have been wanting to get together regardless, so give us a call when you get back if you are out of town for the holidays.

lulu said...

Hey, thanks for the Christmas card. I went to a light festival in New York and I wasn't pleased at all. Nothing beats temple square. That's my opinion at least.

Jamie Broderick Photography said...

I never read the quote by George Burns before- very funny!! You guys are such a cute family.