For the last installment of animal class the theme was 'Animals of unusual size or color.' So let's start down the list of things we saw and touched.
First up, a blond skunk. So strange. It had the reflex to put its tail up when frightened, but rest assured the stink glands were removed. Interesting tid bit, there is no vaccine for skunks against rabies, therefore they couldn't let this skunk roam around the room freely for precautionary purposes. 

Now I know you can't tell by this high quality picture I took that this is no ordinary rabbit. No sir, this is a Flemish Giant Rabbit, which can easily reach 30 pounds. That's about the same size as my four year old. There were two and they were only eight months old and they were big.
Noelle is holding a floppy ear rabbit that was the nicest little thing. Much better than the nasty guinea pigs.
Sis was a good helper at brushing the bunny. She was so gentle and very fixated on that activity.
She would do a couple of brush strokes for the bunny and then a couple for herself and then back to the bunny. Reminded me of Noelle in the goat pen at the Phoenix Zoo a couple years ago.
There were many new guinea pigs to hold and cry over as well as two very mischievous white ferrets. Apparently they're famous, but it wasn't a movie I was familiar with.
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