Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Halloween 2010

It was a pretty spectacular Halloween around here. Bigger than we usually do. Noelle was Ariel from The Little Mermaid. During the three days of festivities she did her best to wear her new costume out. I predict that Sis will not be wearing that as a hand-me-down only because I really don't think it will last that long. Noelle's hair was courtesy of a neighbor-friend who's house I was at as a costume was being returned. I took one look in the bag and knew that was what we had been looking for the whole time. It was perfect. Noelle was pleased as punch with her Ariel attire.

Sis was a ladybug. She was a cute little, determined, ladybug. She gets a little more feisty each day and is learning to hold her own. The only problem is that she and Noelle fight already and Sis is a hair puller and a biter.

Look at the fear on Noelle's face as she has to hold on to Sis' hand for the picture. She's worried she's going to get bitten, because that's what usually happens when you grab onto this baby. All Sis wanted to do was run away. Such a stinker.
Noelle's preschool had a little Halloween day and for the last few minutes they put on a show for the parents. The little guy in white on the right was pretty darn funny.

I had to add this picture of the Captain Jack Sparrow. He was sitting next to Noelle and kept poking at her with is foam sword and dagger. He then said something to the fact that he's Jack Sparrow and he's allergic to mermaids. Too funny.

This picture of Noelle is a couple days before Halloween. She wasn't feeling too great at the beginning of the week and I was worried she wouldn't feel well enough for all the festivities. She pulled through and seems to be feeling better. Poor kid, just look at that pitiful look on her face.


Gold-E said...

I think little sisters were put on the earth to torment their big sisters. Don't you think?

Rachel said...

Pretty much.

Michelene said...

Good job on the mermaid costume, she makes a great Ariel.