Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thank Goodness for These Girls

In this month of thanks, I should not forget how happy I am for these little girls, but mostly their moms. Every week we have a little play group for two and half hours and it is by far the highlight of my week. I also love that there is actually a span of ages here so they don't get to see much each other at preschool or church and it makes playgroup that much better. Thanks for playing each week and giving the moms a small break.


Gold-E said...

That is seriously the cutest picture. I can't wait for The Dubs to have buddies to play with. Instead of pretty princesses they'll all be Spiderman, hanging from a chandeliere.

Louise Plummer said...

What an adorable group. I hope they rule the world.

Kim and company said...

I LOVE this group too! I'm glad your cutie is in it! Love the picture! Thanks girlie!