Monday, October 11, 2010

Animal Class - Week 2

This week was Australia week and to be completely honest it was a little bit of a let down. Sure there was animals there that I'd probably never see that up close, but they weren't as tame as last week's brood.

There are not pictures this time, because I'm lame like that. But we saw a Blue Tongue Skink, a Sugar Glider, Brush-Tailed Bettong along with the Paca babies and a new heard of guinea pigs.

The good part = less crying when it was time to leave.
The bad part = skinks can carry salmonella. Yuck.

Next week is North America and we get to meet a skunk. Stay tuned.


Gold-E said...

You mean Sis didn't have the Blue Tongue Skink on a leash this week? Aw, shucks.

Louise Plummer said...

I am refinding my blogs since my computer was stolen. You have a Boston? Are you crazy?

Rachel said...

Yes very crazy. And if he doesn't stop digging up things in my yard I might burry him alive.