Friday, January 16, 2009

Buying up

There are a few things in the world that you should pay up for, things like jeans, hair stuff, and sippy cups to name a few. We have a few sippy cups that we got for free after participating in some of the infant studies at Harvard. They say something cutesy like, "Future Harvard Graduate" or of the like. The stupid thing is they aren't the spill proof kind. The kind you're willing to pay a few extra dollars to have so that you can save your sanity. So while Noelle's good cups are in the dishwasher we're down to the two crappy Harvard cups.

I just put water in her cup and looked her in the eye and said, "Don't sprinkle the water on the floor or else I will smash your cup." I only said this because earlier today she was sprinkling the water all over the floor and has no sense to help clean it up, even if she gets caught.

Her reply, "Oh no, that's so wrude."

At least she keeps me honest.


Heidi said...

Ha! That is too funny.

Jamie Broderick Photography said...

I ended up throwing away any sippy cup that was not non-spill. Too many milk on the carpet problems.

Gold-E said...

That's so funny. I can hear your voice. And hers!

talonandanna said...

she's a hoot- sassy & honest just like you! what you got coming!!! LOL how are you guys? up for a little vegas dig?

Louise Plummer said...

I expect more from Harvard!

Rob & Megg said...

I totally agree about paying a little bit more for good sippy cups! Noelle is so funny! Hope you guys are doing well. We'd love to see you sometime- I might be heading down to AZ soon. I'll let you know so we can hook-up THIS time.

Nancy said...

One good thing about having children spaced a little bit apart is that you can appreciate these kinds of situations for what they are - funny. When you have kids really close together nothing seems funny, just more work. So enjoy her. She's adorable, albeit feisty sometimes.

Bar M U said...

why do they even make sippy cups that are so narrow that you can't reach all the way down to the bottom? I HATE SLIMEY SIPPY CUPS!! I like to get my fingers down there to make sure there is no slime, I don't trust the dish brusy thingy :) pretty random.
Your blog helps beat the january blahs.