Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween

It was hard to decide which costume to use, but when it came down to deciding, Noelle went with WALL-E. I was kind of shocked at how many people knew what she was - despite it being all over the costume.

(She's such a big kid carrying her candy bag)

We had a fun Halloween with the Weeks. We ate yummy homemade chili and fried up some doughnuts then went out trick-or-treating for a couple of blocks. Even though they only live a few blocks away, their development knows how to rock Halloween. In their neighborhood for the most part the people come out and sit in their drive ways or on the porch and wait for the kids to come by. A lot of people decorated their front yards quite elaborately.

Boo and the Weeks' pet gorilla, who really liked to steal candy from unsuspecting kids

We tried to snap a self portrait and the first one was hideous, but by the second Noelle was done. So I'm dodging her Tootsie Pop while trying not to drop her.

Noelle's Papa got her a Halloween shirt and a pumpkin. Her shirt says "My magic power is being cute!" He made us promise to take a picture for Grammy of Noelle with her pumpkin. So this is for you Gram.

The video is so you can get the full effect of WALL-E's glowing eyes walking down the street. She was a very focused trick-or-treater.


Elizabeth R said...

You guys are the costume. She is so cute!

lulu said...

I can't believe that's a homemade costume. We played Wall-E the game a couple nights ago. That's about all I know about the movie. Why the toss between two costumes?

birdie said...

So cute. I love the WALL E costume.

talonandanna said...

love it! looks like a fun time. freaky gorilla though! look at her cute little curls and that adorable grin!

Katherine said...

Love the costume! We miss you guys.

EmilyCC said...

That Wall-E costume is the best! Asher keeps giggling every time I pull up Noelle's picture for him.

Gold-E said...

I love the glowing eyes. Nice work Boo! JB makes a good Walle or chicken or whatever she wants to be.

Michelene said...

Wow, what a great costume, good job Boo. How fun to go trick or treating in such warm weather, I noticed Noelle wearing shorts. We actually had a fairly warm Halloween for Utah.

Nay said...

I love how the eyes bobb up and down as she walks - she kind of sounds like dang cute!