Monday, October 04, 2010

Animal Class

Our town does a great job at offering many different things for families and kids to do. We've taken music classes and swimming lessons and now we're doing an animal class. Its strange, but very cool at the same time.

This week we learned about animals from South America, all in the rodent family. We might as well play with the rodents that other people have, because we'll never have our own. That spotted animal is called a Paca. I hear they're kind of tasty. That crazy thing is only three days old.

Noelle fell in love with the Guinea Pigs. She cried buckets when it was time to give it back.

This is Tutu the African Crested Porcupine (See here for more information)

Sydney thought that Quinn the Patagonian Cavy was pretty spectacular. Those two followed each other around the room for a long time.
Next week we'll be learning more about animals from Australia.


Stephanie said...

Rachel - that class sounds amazing! What a good mom for not looking at an "animal class" and saying (like I think I would) "what's an animal class and why would I want to do this!"

What a good experience for your kids.

Kim and company said...

That is so stinkin cool! GREAT Pictures! Loved your camping story! Hee Hee! And I hear you---not glamorous by any stretch of the word, but certainly a change of pace/sleep and lots of fun dirt for the kiddos!!