Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sixteen Tons and What Do You Get?

You get to drive one of these things and load another twelve tons. This is what's left of the second load of rocks for our yard. 28 tons total.Boo's shoulders barely fit in the cage. It was a small little machine, just 36" wide so that it would fit through our gate. But as you can see Boo can manage anything with those huge muscles.
He's so tough. Here's a sneak peak at the progress of the back yard. Thanks to the rain on Saturday it hasn't changed much except that its a muddy mess still and my flip flops got stuck in the mud.


Gold-E said...

It looks amazing! Even more so in real life. Good job you guys. You have worked so hard and it shows!

EmilyCC said...

Oh, it looks like it's going to be awesome! (And 28 tons?! Yikes!)

talonandanna said...

lookin' good, lookin' real good. can't wait to see it in person. :)

Lynsee said...

been there, done that! Hopefully he didn't run the tractor thingy into the fence like Sean did. Almost knocked it over.

Rachel said...

I was more afraid of him hitting the house.

Nay said...

Very impressed! You're doing great!

Michelene said...

The yard looks really good, but not so much fun.