Thursday, January 01, 2009

2008 In Review

Now that we've rung in the New Year we can look back on all the exciting and eventful happenings of 2008, if you want to call it that.

January - We moved! To Arizona. It took a while to adjust our brains to the weather calendar as I kept trying to remember what month it really was. Yes it can be spring-like weather in January. Auntie came to help us unpack our house.

February - Boo celebrated his birthday week. Noelle discovered she liked lasagna and I figured out I can cook some hard stuff.

March - Noelle turned two and Grammy and Papa came to celebrate. We started potty training, Rachel and Noelle took their first road trip to St. George to see Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Ted to kick off her birthday week celebrations.

April - Rachel got to finally celebrate her birthday and last and final year in the 20's. Noelle quit the binki and we had to go through binki therapy as a result. We broke out the pool thanks to hot weather and took a trip to Las Vegas for Paul's funeral. We experienced real-life unemployment for the first time.

May - Grandma Nay and Papa came for visits and we took a road trip as a family to Utah for Mother's Day. We stopped along the way to Utah to check out what northern Arizona had to offer and played at the Coral Pink Sand Dunes on the way home. We also celebrated nine blissful years of marriage.

June - Grammy and Papa came for a visit and we celebrated Gram's birthday. Boo studied for the Arizona Bar exam. Noelle got her first passport.

July - Bar exam, wedding, trips to Utah, Island Park and Yellowstone. Phew!

August - Mitchell Family Reunion in Maine, camping at Cape Cod and pretending we live in New England again, then back to reality.

September - Noelle graduated to a big girl bed and we took our first international trip as parents. Viva la Mexico!

October - Bar exam results finally hit the mail and Boo passed! Shoveled lots of rock in Utah and took our first family camping trip. Celebrated Halloween with two costumes. Wall-E won.

November - Boo takes a job at the other side of the valley and to celebrate we took a family vacation to San Diego. We hosted our first Thanksgiving at our house and the famed Uncle Justin and Carmen came to celebrate with us.

December - Thank goodness its over. We went to northern Arizona for a lights festival, saw the temple lights in Mesa, made treats for friends, folded a million Christmas stars, celebrated Christmas in Utah for the first time since 2003. Noelle played in the snow for the first time.

Looking back we celebrated a lot of things, took a lot of trips and saw a lot of family. I also made and gave ten* baby quilts and finished the Mitchell family quilt. Eleven in all, that's a record! (* I laid in bed thinking about this and forgot about one.)Hopefully 2009 is as exciting as we look forward to the opportunities it has for us, as scary as it might be. Thanks to all who care about us and keep reading our blog.


Evan said...

Rachel, I love the coral pink sand dunes! I don't know if you remember Jacob Lake? It is my family's business. Sounds like you had a great year!!

Nay said...

Is Evan a Rich? Uncle Austin worked there when he was a young punk in about 1960! You make me tired just thinking about all you kids did in 2008! 2009 has some wild and wonderful adventures ahead. Looking forward to it!

Bar M U said...

So what's the grand total miles traveled this year. And with a toddler? deserve an award!
happy new year!

Adrianne said...

just glad you are still writing the blog so when I connect with you one on of your trips to Utah we don't have quite so much catch up to do. Hope this new year finds you well. Keep up posted with your next travels here-- we would love to see you!

Heidi said...

Lucky me! A recipient of one of the pretty quilts!

talonandanna said...

what a great year when you sum it all up like this. :) glad we were able to be a part of some of the digs. we're going to have to make it out there again for some warm weather! :) happy new year!

Jen and Ryan Murphy said...

Happy New Year!!!

What a crazy year for you guys! We're so happy for you that Ryan found a job....what an insane rollercoaster.

Here's to a year of employment, stability, and happiness:) Please pray for my Ryan to finish school;)

We love and miss you guys. Lots of smooches to Noelle, my singing buddy!

birdie said...

Sounds like a crazy year!! I am with you on I'm glad it's over - looking forward to next.

When can we get together? Baby boy arrives here in a few weeks...