Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Youth of Today

I'm still trying to figure out how to raise my almost three year old. However as I go through the daily grind of timeouts, potty breaks, and scrubbing green highlighter masterpieces off my wall I am ever so frightened by what is to come.

Lately I've been observing some of the youth that I work with at church. I am appalled, shocked, absolutely flabbergasted at the things they do and things they deem to be acceptable.
One instance was a boy who thought it would be funny to eat as many desserts as he could by making a sandwich out of two pieces of chocolate bread with two cookies in the middle. That was only his first round. After I explained that it was time to sit back down and that the desserts were really for our "guests" (we were hosting the old folks for a talent show), he looked at me and said he was the guest. I think my eyeballs may have popped out of my head. Is back talking to adults okay now days?

Another thing I don't understand is cell phones. I guess I really missed this boat or am still missing this boat. Is it so hard to leave a cell phone home from church for three hours? Or in the car? I realize some people have super sophisticated phones that pull up all sorts of information which may be useful during certain meetings, I can adapt to that. However texting during sacrament meeting (yes, I've watched my own teenage siblings do this) or during a lesson, seriously? Am I just getting old?

Lastly, why do the youth of today agree to babysit if they aren't really willing to work? I'm paying good money, money that they probably could make at a fast-food restaurant only after being micromanaged and paying taxes. Is it really that hard to work when you're getting paid? Is money not a good motivation anymore? I recall hearing of one father telling his daughter who was just starting to get calls for babysitting gigs that she should find things to do even after those kids were asleep because she wasn't getting paid to sit there and watch TV. Isn't that the truth? I'm not asking for maid service, I'm just asking not to come home to a bigger mess than I might have left. To use common sense.

Am I being unreasonable?


talonandanna said...

yeah! i got my rach FIX! love ya, you crack me up. i'm with you about all of this!

EmilyCC said...

Yeah, the cell phone thing has me totally perplexed. I had to force my 12 year old piano student to hand her's over because she kept wanting to text during the lesson!

Anonymous said...

amen on the babysitter thing - our lds babysitters are the worst about that!

Shawn said...

here here, you said it! It scares me how the youth today act towards adult and authority. It just means we have a very important job as mothers, and it sounds like you're doing an awesome job at it!

Lynsee said...

I don't know why, but I think parents have failed today in teaching their children about respecting others. That's really what it all boils down to.

Amen on the cell phone thing. It's ridiculous that the Stake President has to ask everybody, adults included, to not use their cell phones during church. Should we really have to be asked? And, are people even listening?